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Please write Annapolis Guitar Quartet in the message box

We are excited to welcome back The German/Canadian Amadeus Guitar Duo of Thomas Kirchhoff and Dale Kavanagh and especially honoured to host the premier of the newly formed Annapolis Guitar Quartet. The Amadeus Duo will be joined by the Canadian Duo Cormier-Martin (Eugene Cormier and Matthew Martin) The four guitarists have met at guitar and music festivals around the world for many years.
Their love for programs with great diversity motivated the musicians to create this afternoon concert with works for one, two and four guitars. Works by Handel, Bach, Boccherini, Granados, and also modern music dedicated to the duos by Dale Kavanagh and Carlo Domenico make up the
Guitar Gala – an afternoon concert with virtuoso, lyrical and expressive music full of temperament.

Annapolis Guitar Quartet
Dale Kavanagh – Thomas Kirchhoff
Eugene Cormier – Matthew Martin

Luigi Boccherini Quintet No 4 in D-major (quartet)
(1743-1805) Fandango

Carlo Domeniconi Oyun (quartet)
(b. 1947) Molto energico – Lento – Con Fuoco

Georg Friedrich Händel Chaconne in G-mayor, HV 435 (duo)
(1685-1759) Theme and Variations

Dale Kavanagh Impressions (2015) (solo)
(b. 1958)

Enrique Granados Valses Poeticos (duo)
(1867-1916) Intro, Theme and Variations

Dale Kavanagh Loon Lake, op. 18 (quartet)
(b. 1958) for the Vancouver Guitar Society

Karl Jenkins Palladio (quartet)
(b. 1944)

www.amadeusduo.com www.eugenecormier.com www.matthewmartinguitar.com

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